For XYY Syndrome males and families:
Do you want to make a difference for XYY Syndrome?
Grab a cuppa and fill out our survey now.
Dear XYY males and families,
Please find attached the survey we have created as a way to assist us in gathering important information on XYY Syndrome and how it effects each individual. If you would like to fill out this survey, please answer only relevant questions relating to you and your situation. Please do not use names when completing this survey.
By filling in this survey you are giving consent for XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc. to use this information.
The information provided will be used to form the basis of our research and help ensure current information is made available through our website and Facebook support group. By comparing the answers from the surveys, we aim to gather as much information as we can about the differences and similarities relating to the traits, ages, diagnostic procedures, educational needs and supports available for those with XYY Syndrome. We also aim to find the areas that are lacking appropriate funding and support, with the view of using this information to raise awareness where it is needed most.
We sincerely thank you for taking the time to share your information, we understand this survey has asked some very personal questions. The information will be respected and only used for raising awareness and better understanding of XYY Syndrome.
Kind regards
Amber Gilkes
XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.
DAY 1:
WOW this is going to make a difference for XYY Syndrome.
After only one night of our XYY Syndrome survey being released globally to all the XYY males and families, we had an incredible 23 responses!
And with that I decided to set a challenge for myself to show just how much I care for the future of XYY Syndrome.
I will swim 1 lap at the pool (50m) for every survey returned!
Today 23 laps
Thank you to everyone for your support on this journey
DAY 2: 22nd May 2018
Wow- 71 responses in 48hrs for our XYY Syndrome survey!
I’m sticking to my commitment,1 lap in the pool for every response, 20 laps in the pool today.
I’ll do 20 laps every second day to keep up with the responses.
Keep responding everyone, together we will make a difference!
DAY 4: 24th May 2018
What an incredible response 85
I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the pool for every response, 45 laps today.
Keep responding everyone, together we will make a difference!
DAY 5: 25th May 2018
What an incredible response 95
I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the pool for every response
Another 7 laps today 95 laps in total achieved
Keep responding everyone, together we will make a difference!
DAY 8: 28th May 2018
WOW- Survey returns hit 108 responses!
I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the 50 meter pool for every response!
Tomorrow I’ll do 13 laps to catch up to the responses
Keep responding everyone, together we are making a difference!
DAY 9: 29th May 2018
115 responses!
20 laps achieved today and I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the 50 meter pool for every response!
Keep responding everyone, together we are making a difference!
DAY 10: 30th May 2018
120 responses!
Day 10- For our XYY Syndrome survey!
5 laps today
I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the 50 meter pool for every response!
Keep responding everyone, together we are making a difference!
DAY 11: 31st May 2018
WOW 127 responses!
7 laps today and I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the 50 meter pool for every response!
Keep responding everyone, together we are making a difference!
DAY 16: 5th June 2018
Half way to closing date!!
Amazing effort everyone 134 responses
Keep responding everyone, together we are making a huge difference for the future of XYY Syndrome and creating positive awareness at the same time.
20 laps, I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the 50 meter pool for every response!
DAY 18: 7th June 2018
Amazing effort everyone 137 responses
Keep responding everyone, together we are making a huge difference for the future of XYY Syndrome and creating positive awareness at the same time.
5 Laps clocked to match the survey responses
I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the 50 meter pool for every response!

139 responses
Keep responding everyone, together we are making a huge difference for the future of XYY Syndrome and creating positive awareness at the same time.
3 Laps clocked to match the survey responses
I’m sticking to my commitment 1 lap in the 50 meter pool for every response returned!