Newly accredited W.A. Charity, XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc., invites you to learn more about this rare genetic syndrome at their launch event on Tuesday 23rd July at Lakelands Library and Community Centre.
Chairperson XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc., Amber Gilkes said her Association was championing the awareness for this syndrome which was caused by a random split in the cells, which creates an extra copy of the Y Chromosome (XYY).
Only males are born with XYY Syndrome and diagnosis can only be confirmed by a genetic blood test. XYY Syndrome occurs in 1:850 males, but some XYY males often remain undiagnosed.
Mrs Gilkes said the XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc. focus is providing the community with a positive understanding of XYY Syndrome and give support to XYY males, their families and carers.
“As a parent of a child with XYY Syndrome, I understand all too well the need for support, understanding and community education on this important condition.
It’s been a four-year journey to establish the association, raising the awareness of XYY within the broader community and at a state and federal government level,” said Mrs Gilkes.
In line with the Associations objectives, late last year, Amber Gilkes presented at The Western Australian Association of Teacher Assistants Inc. (WAATA) Conference and attended the Focus Foundation’s Conference in Brisbane as a representative of XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.