Enter our free COMPETITION
For the best photo taken of the bridges/landmarks around Perth and Mandurah celebrating the national charity launch will WIN a family pass from Mandurah Cruises as judged by the XYY Executive Committee *
Mandurah Bridge will be lighting up in green and yellow on Thursday, July 13th to support awareness of XYY Syndrome!
Send your photo to xyycompetition@gmail.com
The bridge will shine brightly from sunset to sunrise to acknowledge the official approval of the ‘XYY Syndrome Association of Australia’ as a Health Promotional Charity that started right here in Mandurah.
Snap a photo of the bridge shining bright for your chance to win a family pass for Mandurah Cruises!
The best photo sent in to the XYY Syndrome Association will win!
If you’re heading out of Mandurah, the Matagarup Bridge, Mount Street Bridge, Sky Ribbon, Joondalup Drive Bridge, and the Northbridge Tunnel will also be lit up.
XYY Syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs in about 1:850 males and often remains undiagnosed. The condition is caused by a random split in the cells, which creates an extra copy of the Y Chromosome (XYY).
There is a significant amount of research that still needs to be conducted in order for this condition to be understood and adequately supported, ensuring all XYY boys and men have an equal opportunity to live fulfilled lives.

* The XYY Syndrome Association of Australia Inc. Executive Committee